Explore a GBIF dataset – Elasticsearch/Kibana

In this post I will explain how to sync a PostgreSQL table to an Elasticsearch index using Debezium. This is a follow-up on my previous post. In that post I explained how to load a GBIF dataset into a PostgreSQL database.

Debezium’s PostgreSQL connector captures row-level changes in the schemas of a PostgreSQL database. This technique is called Change Data Capture (CDC) and can be used to sync a database table to (in this case) Elasticsearch. CDC makes it possible to move heavy search workloads away from the database.

In this example I’m going to explain how to sync a table named explore.gbif to an Elasticsearch index named db1.explore.gbif, using the following components:

Download this docker-compose project to try this setup on your local computer using Docker. After starting the containers the dataset will be downloaded and inserted into a PostgreSQL table.

When all containers are up, run the sync_to_elasticsearch.sh script. This script will do the following:

  • Create an index and field mappings
  • Setup the PostgreSQL source connector
  • Setup the Elasticsearch sink connector

There are three fields that need a mapping, gbifid, eventdate and location. The location field is used to plot locations on a world map in Kibana:

  "settings": {
    "number_of_shards": 1
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "gbifid": {
        "type": "long"
      "eventdate": {
        "type": "date"
      "location": {
        "type": "geo_point"

The psql connector is used to create the connection between kafka and the database. Notice the column.blacklist setting to exclude the PostGIS geometry and tsv columns.

  "name": "psql_connector",
  "config": {
        "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
        "tasks.max": "1",
        "database.hostname": "postgres",
        "database.port": "5432",
        "database.user": "postgres",
        "database.password": "postgres",
        "database.dbname": "db1",
        "database.server.name": "db1",
        "database.whitelist": "db1",
        "heartbeat.interval.ms": "1000",
        "table.whitelist": "explore.gbif",
        "database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "kafka:9092",
        "plugin.name": "pgoutput"

The Elasticsearch connector is used to connect kafka to the Elasticsearch instance. The transforms.key.field is set to gbifid, the primary key in the table.

  "name": "es_connector",
  "config": {
    "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSinkConnector",
    "tasks.max": "1",
    "topics": "db1.explore.gbif",
    "connection.url": "http://elasticsearch:9200",
    "transforms": "unwrap,key",
    "transforms.unwrap.type": "io.debezium.transforms.UnwrapFromEnvelope",
    "transforms.unwrap.drop.tombstones": "false",
    "transforms.unwrap.drop.deletes": "false",
    "transforms.key.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField$Key",
    "transforms.key.field": "gbifid",
    "key.ignore": "false",
    "type.name": "_doc",
    "behavior.on.null.values": "delete"

Using the docker-compose logs command to see that the table is being synced to the Elasticsearch index:

Use the following command to see when the sync is finished:

docker-compose logs -f connect
docker-compose logs connect | grep 'Finished exporting'

A log line should like this should show after a couple of minutes:

Finished exporting 287671 records for table 'explore.gbif'; total duration '00:01:41.021'   [io.debezium.relational.RelationalSnapshotChangeEventSource]

Now let’s check if all records are synced to Elasticsearch. Query the number of records in the Elasticsearch index:

curl http://localhost:9200/db1.explore.gbif/_count

  "count": 287671,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 1,
    "successful": 1,
    "skipped": 0,
    "failed": 0

Query the number of records in the table. Both queries show the same number, this confirms that all records are correctly synced:

docker-compose exec postgres bash -c 'psql -U $POSTGRES_USER $POSTGRES_DB -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM explore.gbif"'

(1 row)

The next step is to load a Kibana dashboard using the script called load_kibana_dashboard.sh. Run this script. The output of this script should look like this:

Load Kibana dashboard                                           

Now browse to http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/dashboards. Click on the dashboard called Explore a GBIF dataset.

Compare the map in Kibana (above) with the map in Grafana (below). As you can see the data is identical.

Record with gbifid 2434193680 in the database:

SELECT * FROM explore.gbif WHERE gbifid IN (2434193680):

gbifid               | 2434193680
eventdate            | 1781-01-01 00:00:00+00
year                 | 1781
month                | 1
day                  | 1
catalognumber        | RMNH.AVES.87036
occurrenceid         | https://data.biodiversitydata.nl/naturalis/specimen/RMNH.AVES.87036
recordedby           | Levaillant F.
sex                  | FEMALE
lifestage            | JUVENILE
preparations         | mounted skin
locality             |
stateprovince        | Cape of Good Hope
countrycode          | ZA
higherclassification | Phalacrocoracidae
kingdom              | Animalia
phylum               | Chordata
class                | Aves
order                | Suliformes
family               | Anhingidae
genus                | Anhinga
specificepithet      | melanogaster
species              | Anhinga rufa
genericname          | Anhinga
scientificname       | Anhinga melanogaster rufa (Daudin, 1802)
decimallatitude      | -34.0083
decimallongitude     | 19.0083
geom                 | 0101000020E61000008A8EE4F21F023340454772F90F0141C0
location             | -34.0083,19.0083

The same record in the Elasticsearch index:

GET /db1.explore.gbif/_search?q=gbifid:2434193680

  "took" : 22,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "successful" : 1,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : {
      "value" : 1,
      "relation" : "eq"
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "db1.explore.gbif",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "2434193680",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "gbifid" : 2434193680,
          "eventdate" : "1781-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "year" : 1781,
          "month" : 1,
          "day" : 1,
          "catalognumber" : "RMNH.AVES.87036",
          "occurrenceid" : "https://data.biodiversitydata.nl/naturalis/specimen/RMNH.AVES.87036",
          "recordedby" : "Levaillant F.",
          "sex" : "FEMALE",
          "lifestage" : "JUVENILE",
          "preparations" : "mounted skin",
          "locality" : null,
          "stateprovince" : "Cape of Good Hope",
          "countrycode" : "ZA",
          "higherclassification" : "Phalacrocoracidae",
          "kingdom" : "Animalia",
          "phylum" : "Chordata",
          "class" : "Aves",
          "order" : "Suliformes",
          "family" : "Anhingidae",
          "genus" : "Anhinga",
          "specificepithet" : "melanogaster",
          "species" : "Anhinga rufa",
          "genericname" : "Anhinga",
          "scientificname" : "Anhinga melanogaster rufa (Daudin, 1802)",
          "decimallatitude" : -34.0083,
          "decimallongitude" : 19.0083,
          "location" : "-34.0083,19.0083"

Happy exploring!